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Sunny Moxin Chen

IG: @notsunnychen



Sunny (Moxin) Chen is a Moscow-born Beijingnese who grew up in Russia, China and the United States. Her works are linked to the complex multi-cultural background and intersections of her identity. As an alien, asian and only child, she questions and examines social constraints, shatters boundaries, explores the vulnerability of the body, and combines traumatic memories with imagination to investigate and construct new forms and spaces. She brings the arena of life, both physical and mental, onto the two dimensional plane or into the three dimensional space to allow audiences to perceive in the fourth dimension and beyond. Through PAINting, she breaks and rebridges the boundaries between private and public space by experimenting and mixing paint with different materials and responding to the consciousness of the personal/individual and cultural/universal.


Chen received BFA double major degree in Painting and Studio for Interrelated Media at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, and is currently pursuing her MFA degree in Painting at Boston University.

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